Supporting Resiliency for Children 5 years – 11 years

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) have announced recommendations for COVID-19 vaccination in children 5 years and older, who do not have contraindications.
At Carolina Total Wellness (CTW), we seek to empower our patients and their families with up to date information and provide medical recommendations through our personalized approach.
If you have questions regarding vaccinations, please reach out to your established medical provider.
PEDIATRIC COVID-19 Vaccination prep:
Supporting resiliency for children 5 years – 11 years
Start 2 weeks BEFORE and continue for 1 week AFTER vaccination:
1. Clean water: ½ body weight in ounces
2. Vitamin C: 125-500mg two times a day
3. Daily Multivitamin (ActivNutrients chewables)
4. Daily Probiotic (Ther-biotic complete chewables)
5. Vitamin D: 1000IU per 25 lbs, daily (CTW Liquid D3)
6. Zinc 7.5mg daily (Zinc Drink liquid)
7. SPM Active 1 caps daily: cut/puncture the softgel and squeeze out contents onto spoon, ok to take/mix with food.
In the days leading up to your vaccination, fuel your child’s immune system with healthy, organic colorful foods that are nutrient dense. Avoid pro-inflammatory junk foods and sugary foods. Stick to sleep schedules/healthy sleep hygiene and aim for quality sleep the two nights before the vaccination.
*Day of and day after vaccination, add extra C to above protocol:
Vitamin C: 500mg two times a day
After your vaccination, think muscle, immune and lymphatic system support:
Engage your deltoid! This is the shoulder muscle which received the vaccine. Movement and engagement of the muscle will reduce the tenderness and soreness which can start setting in a few hours later. Example exercises include arm circles, push-ups, patty-cake!
Run around! Walk, run, play after the vaccination to provide a healthy stimulus for the immune system for optimal response and reduce side effects.
Stimulate lymphatic system! After the vaccine, you can begin gentle skin brushing of the vaccinated arm. When able, incorporate whole body lymph support with options like whole body dry skin brushing, gentle rebounding (jumping, hopping), or deep breathing (blowing bubbles, square breath).
AAP statement:
CDC statement:
Please contact our office for an appointment to further support and personalize your path to wellness.
Your Partner In Health!
Blair Cuneo, PA-C