The last couple of years have been hard on everyone. The pandemic has caused so many disruptions in our lives – lost jobs and income, friends and loved ones becoming ill, children home from school and missing socialization, feeling more isolated and less connected. It’s no wonder that an even greater number of people have reported feeling anxious.
Talk therapy, supplements, exercise and medication are beneficial solutions for curbing anxiety. There are also practical strategies you can utilize when experiencing anxiety.
1) Box Breathing – If you’ve ever practiced meditation then you know how helpful mindful breathing can be to calm your nervous system. Close your eyes and then breathe slowly in for four counts. Hold your breath for four counts and then exhale slowly for four counts. At the bottom of the exhale count to four while doing nothing. Repeat this process for a total of four times. Once completed you should feel much more relaxed and centered.
2) Name Objects in Your Line of Vision – If your thoughts are spiraling out of control you can change your state of mind by simply naming objects that you see. Keep doing this as long as you need to until you feel your energy begin to mellow. This works because you are changing which hemisphere of your brain is being used, moving from the emotional side to the logical side.
3) Mantras – Taking the time to recite a mantra is valuable for grounding feelings of anxiety. Some examples are “I am safe”, “I am peaceful”, “I am loved” or “With every breath I feel myself relaxing”. Write down your own affirmations that resonate with you the most and then say them repeatedly when you’re feeling anxious.
4) Gratitude – We cannot be in a state of fear or anxiety and be in a state of calm or peace a the same time. Pausing to “count your blessings” will transition your energy into a more relaxed vibration. Write down five things you are grateful for or if you can’t write them down, list them in your mind.
The next time you find your heart beating fast or your mind racing, try practicing these strategies to ground your energy.
The next time you find your heart beating fast or your mind racing, try practicing these strategies to ground your energy.
If you or someone you know can benefit from working with our health coaches please contact our office to make an appointment.
In health,
Sara Yadlowsky, FMHC